Bill’s Place Guidelines
General Guidelines
The CK Pride is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all. Bill’s Place’s primary purpose is to provide 2SLGBTQIA+ focused programs and services that enrich the lives of those in our community. The Board of Directors, staff and volunteers are obligated to uphold and follow these guidelines for community space.
In addition, Bill’s Place offers space for community use. The community includes a diverse range of individuals and groups for a variety of purposes. These purposes include but are not limited to education, support, training, networking, socializing.
CK Pride embraces the community’s rich diversity of identities and experiences. It is for this reason that we aim to ensure Bill’s Place remains a place where everyone feels welcomed. Therefore, no group utilising the space shall engage in hate speech or bigotry of any kind. Engaging in or advocating violence is strictly prohibited. Engaging in illegal activities on the premises is strictly prohibited. CK Pride maintains the right to restrict or reject any group whose presence at or use of Bill’s Place negatively impacts other groups and/or individuals that use community space.
CK Pride is a non-denominational, non-partisan organization and does not necessarily support or endorse activities held during private bookings. Activities held at Bill’s Place must neither conflict with nor interfere with CK Pride-sponsored or produced programming. When such conflicts arise, CK Pride programming will be given priority.
CK Pride Operations Committee and the Vice President of the Board are responsible for processing requests to use space and equipment and for executing Use of Community Space Agreements. All groups and individuals utilizing space at Bill’s Place must execute a Use of Community Space Agreement and agree to abide by Bill’s Place Use Terms and Conditions, Code of Conduct, Pledge of Non-Discrimination, Good Neighbour Pledge and Payment Terms. Failure to do so, or otherwise violating these guidelines, will result in suspension or cancellation of space use permission. The Board of Directors may only use Bill’s Place for CK Pride business. Uses beyond this must go through the same processes as the general public.
CK Pride is committed to good faith cooperation and partnership with all individuals and groups utilizing space and will make all reasonable efforts to resolve conflicts when they arise. Should grievances related to space use occur, they will be addressed in the manner prescribed in the Community Space Terms & Conditions.
Terms and Conditions
For the purposes of this document, “staff” is defined as paid staffing or unpaid volunteers delegated by the CK Pride. These staff will have passed vulnerable sector screening from the local authorities. For the purposes of this document, the “client” is defined as any individual, group, or organization utilizing Bill’s Place as per the Use of Community Space Agreement. When Bill’s Place is open to the general public for access (e.g. for drop-in hours or open house), two staff will be onsite. All clients are required to enter into a Use of Community Space Agreement.
The CK Pride Board of Directors and staff are responsible for the safe and efficient operation of Bill’s Place. The instructions of staff are to be followed at all times and without exception. The Client in charge of an event, designated in the Use of Community Space Agreement, is responsible for communication and coordination with CK Pride in advance of the event. As well, the client must designate a contact person during the event to address any issues/concerns in the moment. When the Client arrives, they must check in with onsite staff and continue to be available should any issues arise that need to be addressed. Any questions/concerns that come up during the event are to be addressed by the client to Bill’s Place staff. At the end of the event, the client is responsible for notifying staff that the event space has been cleared. Staff will concur with that assessment or direct additional actions as they deem necessary.
A Code of Conduct will be posted at Bill’s Place and is attached at the end of this document. All visitors to Bill’s Place are expected to abide by these rules and will be asked to leave the building if they do not. If anyone witnesses something that seems inappropriate in any way, they are expected to report it to onsite staff immediately.
Clients are responsible for maintaining order and control of members and guests before, during and after their events. If anyone associated with a Client’s event becomes disruptive to the event or potentially disruptive to other people or events in the building and the Client is unable to get the person(s) to leave the event, the Client must contact staff immediately; staff will address the situation, determine its severity, and call the police if necessary.
Staff are responsible for monitoring the security of the building. Their instructions are to be followed at all times. If at any time a situation arises where the building must be evacuated, for a drill or in an emergency, Clients’ representatives are responsible for assisting to ensure that all persons attending events leave the building immediately. In the event of a tornado, the safest location in the building is the office or the washroom, with the door shut. In an event of needing police, fire or EMS please call 911. Fire extinguishers are located throughout the building, and an alternative exit is at the side of the building. In the event of a violent situation, calmly exit the building through the alternative exit. Where exit is not possible, shelter-in-place in the bathroom.
Use of parking at the side of Bill’s Place is at your own risk and first come first space. Any damage or theft is not the responsibility of the CK Pride.
It is the client’s responsibility to make sure their event concludes and the room is restored to its pre-event condition by the end of the time booked. It is important to include cleanup time in your scheduled booking. Clients are responsible for the following:
Place all trash and recyclables in designated receptacles. Do not overload receptacles. If extra trash or recycling receptacles or bags are needed, inform onsite staff.
Remove all literature, decorations, signs, etc. and discard unwanted items in the appropriate receptacles at the end of the event.
Dispose of all liquids in bathroom sinks or toilet; dispose of leftover ice in the green space
Fold tables and chairs and return them from where you found them unless instructed by staff not to do so.
CK Pride cannot be held responsible for personal belongings. Do not leave belongings unattended at any time and remove all of them at the end of the event.
Give any unclaimed personal belongings to staff for lost and found. Found items are kept for seven days and then offered in our Community Cupboard.
Please ensure any equipment loaned is accounted for and returned as it was provided.
Do not tamper with the building’s safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, light fixtures, and fuse boxes. Report any problems with such equipment to staff immediately.
For safety and security reasons do not prop open doors.
Clients shall always exercise care in their use of Bill’s Place and its equipment. CK Pride reserves the right to charge a client for the repair or replacement of any equipment or furniture that is damaged or lost during the period in which Bill’s Place was rented to the client. Under no circumstances shall clients remove or move furniture from the building.
Only painter’s tape may be used to affix decorations. At the end of the event, any balloons must be taken home or popped by the client and disposed of in the garbage. Smoke/fog machines and confetti are prohibited. Open flames are prohibited. Ceremonial smudging is permitted.
Smoking and vaping are not allowed within Bill’s Place or in front of the building or within 10 feet of all doorways. The green space next to Bill’s Place is private property, please respect this. Ceremonial tobacco is permitted.
CK Pride does not provide catering services. Advance written permission is required for client-provided food and beverage service within meetings. Clients are responsible for providing everything necessary for serving food and beverages, disposing of all unconsumed food and beverages at the end of their events and removing all related supplies, including any coffee urns or other equipment and materials. See Housekeeping.
Bill’s Place does not offer an alcohol service. Private event rentals must follow all municipal rules and laws regarding alcohol service. Renters of Bill’s Place must show a Special Event Permit from the Municipality of Chatham-Kent if applicable.
CK Pride reserves the right to restrict or prohibit alcohol service at any time, with or without notice, and at the Board of Directors’ discretion. This includes in the usual course of an event should staff determine that alcohol policies have been violated, the provision of alcoholic beverages is improperly managed, or the presence or service of alcohol represents a safety concern.
CK Pride will not take responsibility for Cash On Deliveries (CODs). Deliveries for which prior arrangements have not been made will not be accepted and CK Pride will not be liable in any way for the fact or subsequent consequences of a delivery not being accepted. CK Pride is not liable for early deliveries that are accepted before the client arrives.
Clients will have access to the space(s) designated for their events at the times established in the Use of Community Space Agreement. If clients or the Association require time before or after the event for preparations and clean-up, the prep/clean time must be booked in advance and will be included in the Use of Community Space Agreement.
CK Pride may charge fees for use of space and equipment. Fees for space include time for preparations and clean-up (prep/clean time). Extraordinary cleaning fees are at the discretion of the Association. Fee deposits and payments are outlined in the Use of Community Space Agreement. All fees must be paid in advance of the scheduled event.
Payments may be made in cash, by check or money order payable to ‘CK Pride .’ Speak with CK Pride Bill’s Place Operations Committee contact for e-transfer processing information.
All reservations may be subject to a non-refundable 25% administrative fee at cancellation. Recurring cancellations may restrict your availability for scheduling future bookings. The Board reserves the right to waive this requirement at its discretion.
All activities scheduled at Bill’s Place are eligible for listing in CK Pride listings, website, and social media, provided that information is received by the appropriate deadlines.
Listings must be provided in written form by email to the Bill’s Place Operations Committee contact, or by hand if necessary and will be forwarded to our Engagement and Education Committee. CK Pride , in its sole discretion, will select which listings to use in which media, if at all, and reserves the right to edit any listing.
Complaints regarding any aspect of the CK Pride reservation and/or space use experience should be addressed with the onsite staff and Operations Committee contact. All attempts should be made to resolve grievances at that level. If the problem cannot be resolved, a written complaint may be submitted to the Vice President. The Vice President will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and will investigate and make every effort to issue a verbal determination within two (2) weeks.
Appeals may be submitted in writing to the President of the Board not more than seven (7) days following the initial complaint determination. Written appeals must state the reasons why the complainant believes the complaint procedure has not reached an appropriate resolution. The President will acknowledge receipt of the appeal, will investigate and make every effort to issue a written determination within two (2) weeks. That decision will be final.
Clients entering into Use of Community Space Agreements with CK Pride indemnify and hold harmless its agents and employees from any and all claims for damages or injuries to persons or property arising during the period covered in the Client’s Space Use Agreement. A Certificate of Insurance naming CK Pride as an additional insured may be required (at the discretion of the Association) as a condition of renting the space.
Clients will not permit any activity that will injure or deface Bill’s Place in any manner. Clients agree that no portion of the sidewalks, entries, halls, or ways of access to public utilities shall be obstructed by the clients, their guests or used for any purpose other than for entering and exiting a room or the building.
The CK Pride Board of Directors and staff reserve the right to enter any event at any time.
CK Pride will not allow space to be used by any group which will undertake illegal activities within Bill’s Place. Clients agree to abide by, conform to, and comply with all of the applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the municipality, province and country.
When an event affects Bill’s Place’s regular hours of operation or requires additional staffing, the client will be charged an appropriate fee, to be determined in advance of the event.
CK Pride cannot be responsible for equipment, items or property that is left or stored on its premises. Clients may not leave anything at Bill’s Place unless prior arrangements have been made in writing. CK Pride reserves the right to dispose of any event-related property or decorations left on the premises after an event is concluded.
Clients may use space only for the purposes indicated in the Use of Community Space Agreement. Any change must be approved in advance.
Clients may not use CK Pride or Bill’s Place logo in any promotional materials without permission from, and review and approval of the material by, the CK Pride Board of Directors. CK Pride will be held harmless for any and all damages and penalties arising from the improper use of copyrighted materials by any client using space at Bill’s Place.
Code of Conduct
Everyone at Bill’s Place deserves to be treated with courtesy and respect. We strive to hold ourselves, and each other, accountable to the highest standards of mutual respect and care in all our interactions.
This code of conduct outlines our expectations for everyone who uses the community space, whether as a coworker or as an organizer or attendee of events taking place here. Bill’s Place is a space that supports structured activities and, given the layout of the building and space constraints, offers limited seating and parking for visitors. To ensure everyone feels welcome as they come and go, loitering in the building or on the grounds without engaging in a program of Bill’s Place, attending a meeting or event, or patronizing the space is not permitted.
Organizations that host events at Bill’s Place are accountable to our shared values of courtesy and respect, including the standards outlined in this code of conduct, and are responsible for the management of those attending their events.
Abusive, demeaning, disruptive or combative behaviour or language
Physical violence or threat of physical violence
Endangering the safety of others
Unwanted sexualized language or acts
Financial solicitation
Sale or use of illegal substances
Public intoxication
Possession or use of weapons
Theft and vandalism, or threats thereof
Inappropriate use of restrooms.
Disruptive noise or music
Abandoning personal property
Interfering with walkways and doorways
Distributing non-approved literature
Unpermitted photographing or filming
Onsite staff in conjunction with CK Pride are responsible for the safe and proper operation of the building. The directions and instructions of staff are to be followed at all times. Unacceptable behaviour from any individual, including event organizers, staff and visitors, will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to cease a violating behaviour is expected to comply immediately or they will be asked to leave the premises. We may additionally decide to take any action we deem appropriate, including but not limited to, a temporary or permanent suspension from Bill’s Place premises. In extreme cases and as a last resort, staff may contact the police for support.
The code of conduct will be enforced without regard to an individual’s identity, including but not limited to age, race, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Enforcement of this code of conduct is reviewed yearly by CK Pride . It holds itself accountable to an intentional, thoughtful process for the management of Bill’s Place and, if needed, may modify our practices in an effort to best achieve a truly collaborative and equitable community space.
If you witness inappropriate behaviour, do not intervene. Immediately notify a staff member.
If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating the Code of Conduct by a staff member, you should notify the Vice President. The Vice President will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and will investigate and make every effort to issue a verbal determination within two (2) weeks. Appeals to the Vice President’s determination can be made to the President.
Whenever possible, CK Pride will support opportunities for individuals found to be in violation of this code of conduct and suspended from Bill’s Place to fully reintegrate into the space. This may include a two-way discussion and recognition of the harm caused to people, making amends and forgiveness.
Pledge of Non-Discrimination
In consideration of the provision of safe space for 2SLGBTQIA+ and Allies, we represent and affirm that our group is non-discriminatory and does and will treat all individuals and groups equally without regard to actual or perceived race; creed; colour; national origin; religious background or affiliation; gender; gender expression or gender identity; sex; sexual orientation; pregnancy; age; height or weight; economic status; citizenship status; past, present or future disability or condition, including substance use, physical (e.g. HIV/AIDS), intellectual (e.g. learning disability), or psychiatric; veteran or military status, marital or partnership status, or any other protected status in accordance with the law.
We recognize that respecting individual dignity, achieving equality and promoting intergroup harmony are the responsibilities of all people, including our group. We reject hatred and will not engage in acts or expressions of hatred directed at any person(s) or group(s). Our group will work in good faith to affirm and abide by these principles in all our activities and affairs.
I understand that CK Pride reserves the right to revoke any use of its facilities by a user group in the event that such group fails to affirm or abide by these principles.
Good Neighbour Pledge
Bill’s Place is a busy hub of community activity. It is very important that we maintain a positive relationship with our neighbours while continuing to provide a welcoming atmosphere for the people who come to Bill’s Place. The members of the CK Pride Board of Directors will remain in contact with community leaders regarding the impact of Bill’s Place.
Brave Space Guidelines
B – Be accountable for the impact of both our words and our silence as it affects others. If you’re asked to stop something, please do so – others may have triggers you’re not aware of.
R – Reflect on and name your own biases, recognize your own traumas, and be responsible for your own emotional well being. Bill’s Place is a community space of peers, not a mental health service.
A – Actively listen by being present, open minded, and respectful to differing viewpoints while striving to understand rather than simply reacting or judging.
V – Verbalize questions that arise from our curiosity and learning with patience and compassion.
E – Embrace new ideas with a spirit of inquiry and wonder. Different opinions make us diverse and beautiful.