Get Involved
Members of CK Pride must be residents of the municipality of Chatham Kent.
General Voting Member (18yo+): $5 annually
Youth Non-Voting Member (14-17yo): Free
Members can VOTE at the annual general meeting helping to shape and inform our vision, mission, goals and activities
Members-only quarterly newsletter updates on what’s going on behind the scenes.
Members-only fiction lending library
Stay tuned for other special advantages
- IN PERSON: Cash or Cheque payable to CK Pride
Our committees are led by Directors of the Board as specified in our By-Laws. These committees operate both independently and collaboratively to ensure accountability and advance CK Pride’s initiatives. Joining a committee provides you with the opportunity to work behind the scenes, contributing to proposal development, planning, and organization. Please note that committee involvement typically demands a more substantial time commitment, along with a greater need for training, knowledge, and dedicated effort compared to general volunteering.
To express your interest in joining a committee, please contact us at or use the application form below. Once you reach out, we will initiate the interview process as part of our “Right Person, Right Place” approach.



Social Events


Support & Outreach

Engagement & Education

Youth Initatives
As a volunteer-driven and operated nonprofit organization, we depend on one another to bring positive changes to our community. There are numerous ways and diverse opportunities for you to volunteer with CK Pride. These options include participating in events, assisting with tasks and maintenance at Bill’s Place, and engaging in committee work. Your level of time commitment can vary, from being available on-call, participating in one-time events, to dedicating several days a week.