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Supports and Outreach

What We Offer

Advocacy & Consultation

Advocacy & Consultation

We provide expertise to organizations & businesses on implementing best practices in justice, equity, diversity, & inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+
Binder Fitting

Binder Fitting

Free consultation & fittings. By request. Ages: all*
Community Cupboard

Community Cupboard

Free. Drop-in or by request.
Drop-In Times

Drop-In Times

Community lounge & safe-space at Bill's Place (48 Centre St)
Faith with Pride Group

Faith with Pride Group

Peer guided group conversations about religious  trauma, distrust & navigating faith as 2SLGBTQIA+. Ages: 16+
Fun Events & Social Groups

Fun Events & Social Groups

(1) Quarterly Men's Group. Ages 18+. (2) Monthly Outrageous Wise Ladies group.  Ages 18+. (3) Monthly Young & Proud Group. Ages 12-17. (4) Monthly Movie Nights. Ages: 16+.  (5) Monthly Game Nights. Ages: all.
Name Change Clinics

Name Change Clinics

Assistance on changing legal names &/or gender markers.  By request. Ages: 16+
Out of the Closet

Out of the Closet

Queer & gender-affirming free clothing program & Clothing swaps.  Drop-in or by request. 
Parents & Families of the 2SLGBTQIA+ Coffee Chat

Parents & Families of the 2SLGBTQIA+ Coffee Chat

Group meetings for support, mentorship, & connection with others at different stages of their journeys. 
Peer Mentorship

Peer Mentorship

Supportive chat with a volunteer about life.  Ages: all

Local 2SLGBTQIA+ Supports

click on the icon to be forwarded to their website

CK Public Health

Sexual Health Clinics (177  King St. E., Chatham) Ages: all

Gender Diversity Clinic

Assessment & Affirming Prescriptions. Dr. Ian Johnson (Chatham) 519-397-5455 ext. 164. Ages: 18 or under; 18+

Inside Out

Discord chat groups run by Pozitive Pathways. Ages: 12-17, 18-25.

Mental Health Network

Free 2B Me Peer support Group @ Hope House (71 Raleigh St, Chatham) Ages: 16-25

Pozitive Pathways

HIV Community Resources & services (Windsor serves Chatham)  Ages: all

Trans Wellness Ontario

Resources, Programs, Services for Trans, Queer, 2S, Non-Binary & families;  Youth Gender Diversity Clinic (Windsor serves Chatham) Ages: 18 or under

Young and Proud

Youth group @ Access Open Minds (140 King St. W., Chatham) @ CK Pride's Bill's Place (48 Centre St, Chatham) Ages: 12-17

Provincial/National 2SLGBTQIA+ Supports


Francophone Association for 2SLGBTQIA+ people in Ontario

LGBT Youthline

Chat/Text helpline and peer support. Age 16-29.

Kind Space

Virtual drop-in groups for 2SLGBTQIA+. Age: various (a) Kind Space Youth Discord. (b) GenderQuest


PFLAG Supports for families to understand and accept 2SLGBTQIA+ family members. Age: all

Q Chat Space

Online live discussion groups. Age 13-19.

Rainbow Counselling

2SLGBTQ+ Affirming Virtual Therapy

Rainbow Table

Facebook Group for connections & supports. Age 55+.

Teen Health Source

Online peer educators & other information.

Trans Lifeline

Hotline for emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis. 1-877-330-6366. Age: all

The Trevor Project

TrevorSpace affirming international online community. Age: 13-24.

Miscellaneous 2SLGBTQIA+ Resources

Canada Virtual Hospice: Proud, Prepared & Protected

Mental Health Resource for Gay, Bisexual, Queer & Other Guys into Guys

Name & ID Change Guides

General Local Supports

Alzheimer Society

Supports for those living with Alzheimer's disease & other dementias (36 Memory Lane, Chatham). Ages: Aging

Canadian Hearing Services

Supports, services & education for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, & hearing loss (Chatham-Windsor). Ages: all

Canadian Mental Health Association

Mental health & addictions services programs, services & after-hours clinics. Ages: all

CK Community Health Centres

Misc. health & mental health services & supports (Chatham, Wallaceburg, WIFN). Ages: all

CK Family Health Teams

Misc. health programs, services & after-hours clinics. (Blenheim, Chatham, Dresden, Ridgetown, Wallaceburg). Ages: all

Children's Treatment Centre

Various disability services, programs & supports (355 Lark St., Chatham). Ages: Children & Families

Erie St.Clair Healthline

Directory of misc. supports & services throughout CK. Ages: all.

Family Service Kent

Counselling and community based services for families  (50 Adelaide St. S., Chatham) Age: all

Homes 4 Youth

Provides a permanent home in the community of their choice and the supports needed to maintain housing and become self-sufficient. Age: 16 to 25


Misc. services & supports for those with specialized needs -mental health, behavioural, developmental (103-405 Riverview Dr., Chatham). Age: all.

Jobworx Employment Services

Job coaching, training & placements (101 Stewart St., Chatham) Ages: 14+

Linck: Child, Youth & Family Supports

Multi-service agency: counselling, child protection etc (1495 Grand Ave W, Chatham) Ages: all

Municipality of Chatham-Kent 

Links, contacts and applications for various supports. Age: varies

Outreach for Hunger

Food Bank  (10 Wellington St. W., Chatham). Ages: all.

Rock Missions

Street outreach for food, harm reduction, service bridging, drop in (Wallaceburg-Chatham). Ages: 16+

Sexual Assault Crisis Centre

Services for women, trans & non-binary (405 Riverview Dr., Chatham) Age: 16+

Ska:na Family Learning Centre

Indigenous child care & programming (Chatham-Wallaceburg). Ages: under 6.

Thamesview Family Health Team

Misc. health programs & services (Chatham). Ages: all.

Tilbury District Family Health Team

Misc. health programs & services (Tilbury-Chatham). Ages: all.

Victim Services

Client centred support to victims of crime and tragedy (24 Third Street, Chatham). Ages: all.

WIFN Community Directory

Misc. services & supports (Bkehwanong). Ages: all.

Other Supports

Holding Hope

Free virtual support groups for parents & family members of someone suffering from addiction related harms. Ages: all.

Mansion Peer Support Portal

Free virtual support groups for men in the midst of challenges with IPV, the legal system, & parent/child alienation.